Frontisti prides their services on offering the best quality of care to our clients in their homes. Providing individualised care plans, support to carers and enabling clients to feel empowered to make life changing decisions with the support from our skilled professional team; who are specialised to care for people with all types of mental health diagnoses and addictions. We bring together professionals from several disciplines, including:
Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners
Social workers
Registered/certified nurses
Addiction specialists
Licensed clinical mental health counselors (CMHCs) and social workers (LCSWs)
Coaches and mentors
Experienced Support workers
Occupational and recreational therapists

Domicilliary care
At Frontisti Services, we provide high-quality domiciliary care (also known as community care or home care) alongside the relevant support to keep you safe, happy and living independently in your own home.
Our domiciliary care services are built around you. Our core focus is to support you to maintain your desired lifestyle, and this can range from a visit a day to 24-hour live-in care. We believe that every client is unique, having their own individual preferences as well as needs. Hence our duty is to keep you in control and provide you with the much-needed domiciliary care as well as support that you want, when and where you want it.
Our fully trained and dedicated team of domiciliary support workers are available and happy to:
1. Helping you to start the day - getting up, bath, dressed and having a decent breakfast
2. Remind and assist you in taking prescribed medications, as well as gather or return medicines from your local pharmacy or the GP surgery
3. Prepare meals with or for you and assist you at eating times
4. Excursions - go with you to the post office, bank, religious event, shop with you or help you to make a shopping list.
5. Household; help with your clothing or pressing and keep your home perfect and clean
6. Social outings; bolster you with social exercises like going out for a walk, going to a day place, visiting companions or family or setting off to your congregation or club
7. Personal care; a bit of spoiling when you need it - the incidental visit to arrange washing, clean garments, crisp sheet material and a nicely arranged feast before sleep time. Toward the finish of every day, we would give you some assistance with preparing for bed.
Do get in touch with our team today to find out how our care services can support you or your loved one to remain independent at home. Our care services are fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for England.
Post-Incident Assistant Team
We at Frontisti services have got well over 20 years frontline work experience supporting as well as managing people who are dealing with the trauma and stress that is experienced when they are victims of assault, false allegations and other incidents that impact on their well-being.
The burning questions that a lot of people seek answers to are: when the trauma of an assault leads to hospitalisation and sickness from work due to injuries, flashbacks, depression and other forms of disablement that have now restricted their working life, What do you do? You write statements, you may receive a letter, phone call, visit from an elected person from work (not necessarily a manager); You may be referred to occupational health for a couple of free counselling sessions but what happens when they have ceased?
More so, you are left alone with family members/ friends who do not understand. Your colleagues or mates stay in touch for a while but then you push them away. Management gets in touch when they just want to know when you are returning as they have policies to follow, and the options go on an on . . .
One thing we know for sure is that this can be a very lonely place.Here at Frontisti services, we would like to be there to help you through this lonely place with dedicated staffs who are willing to volunteer their services to listen to you and support you as a confidant. We just want to be there for you. If you would like to speak to someone in confidence or want to refer someone to us, then please call or text us on +44 7810 775577 to see how we can support you.
Do remember that you are not alone and a problem shared is a problem half solved.
Travel Buddy
Our services also include accompanying our clients with or without their family member(s) to holidays as well as events within and outside the United Kingdom. Our team of well trained carers can also take care of a client while their love ones are at an event, away on holiday or business trips.
In order to achieve better outcomes for service users, our staff continuously assess, plan, implement and evaluate care and support plans for service users.
Get in touch
If you have any questions or would like more information about our services or make a referral, please feel free to drop me a line. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.